When you place an order on our store, it is shipped within 48 hours.

It is important to note that shipping concerns the departure of your items from our partner’s warehouses and their delivery to the carrier, and not delivery which can take between 5 to 20 working days.

In certain exceptional situations, this may take up to thirty-five days at most in the event of force majeure (exceptional events, pandemic, weather conditions, war, etc.). Authentic Sneakers will not be liable to you for any delay in delivery.

If the delay seems long to you, don’t worry, you can follow the progress of your order using the tracking number that will be sent to you after product authentication and shipping.

However, because Authentic Sneakers cannot control the length of time it takes for the item to arrive, we cannot guarantee a specific delivery time for items and, accordingly, the buyer is not permitted to cancel the item. purchase if the item is not shipped by the seller within the time specified in the sale confirmation email after purchase.